Frost is back

Over the past three days, frost has caused considerable damage to our crops. The future consequences of this episode of frost on our harvest are still uncertain, however, we estimate our losses at 50%, but we won’t know until the harvest.

Frozen vine chardonnay les faunes dardagny

Combating frost in vines is a complex task. Protection methods such as watering, anti-freeze towers or glow plugs are often costly and don’t always offer total protection. What’s more, insurance is expensive and inefficient.

This makes the situation even more difficult to manage for us farmers, who have to cope with major financial losses due to this weather phenomenon, the scale and frequency of which are unpredictable.

Other frozen vineyard Dardagny 2024

Despite these losses, the vineyard has resources and will be able to partially recover. However, the harvest will be heterogeneous, and working the vines in summer will be complex, time-consuming and more delicate than usual.

We hope it will work, but we don’t yet know how the vineyard will evolve after this episode.

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